![Important Foreign Words and Phrases with Meanings](https://www.banglaquiz.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Important-Foreign-Words-and-Phrases-with-Meanings.jpg)
Important Foreign Words and Phrases with Meanings
Important Foreign Words and Phrases : In english, we often use many foreign words and phrases but many times we are not aware about their origin or exact meaning. Foreign words are those words that have roots from other language or simply we can define it as a word that is adopted from other language. They are normally written in italics to identify that they are foreign. Most of these foreign words are taken from Latin. In today’s post we will discuss about these foreign words and phrases with their actual meaning in English.
List of Foreign Words / Phrases with Origin and Meaning
List of Foreign Words / Phrases provided below along with their meaning.
No. | Foreign Words / Phrases | Origin | Meaning |
1 | ab initio | Latin | From the beginning |
2 | ab origine | Latin | From the origin |
3 | addendum | Latin | An appendix; something added |
4 | ad hoc | Latin | For a particular purpose |
5 | ad infinitum | Latin | To infinity, forever |
6 | ad interim | Latin | Temporarily; for the time being |
7 | ad libitum | Latin | At Pleasure |
8 | ad nauseam | Latin | To the point of disgust |
9 | ad valorem | Latin | According to value; excise and customs duties are so leived. |
10 | a fortiori | French | With more still stronger reason |
11 | aide-de-camp | French | a subordinate staff officer personally assisting a commanding officer. |
12 | a la carte | Latin | A Selected meal; according to the menu |
13 | alias | Latin | A second name bestowed upon himself by a person |
14 | alibi | Latin | Elsewhere |
15 | alma mater | Latin | Fostering mother, used by students for their school or university. |
16 | ante meridiem | Latin | Before noon’; morning (am) |
17 | au fait | French | Well-versed; an expert |
18 | bandolero | Spanish | a dacoit or bandit |
19 | bella donna | Italian | A pretty woman |
20 | bete noire | French | An object of dislike |
21 | bona fide | Latin | In good faith; general probability; genuine |
22 | bona enfant | French | A good fellow |
23 | bon voyage | French | An enjoyable journey. especially abroad. |
24 | cadre | French | Official status; list of officers |
25 | canard | French | A hoax or rumour |
26 | carte blanche | French | A free hand; full powers; full freedom |
27 | charge d’saffaires | French | A subordinate diplomat or one who acts as an ambassador |
28 | compte rendu | French | A report or review; an account rendered . |
29 | confer | Latin | Compare |
30 | corpus delichi | Latin | The substance of an offence |
31 | corrigendum | Latin | Correction made in book after printing |
32 | coup d’etat | French | A swift stroke or policy; to change government by rebellion |
33 | coup de grace | French | a death bow |
34 | coup de main | French | A bold attempt |
35 | cuisine | French | The kind of cooking or speciality dishes |
36 | de facto | Latin | In fact; in reality |
37 | de jure | Latin | In law; rightful; legally |
38 | de novo | Latin | Anew; again; afresh |
39 | de trop | Latin | Too much; superfluous |
40 | elite | French | The best; superior |
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No | Foreign Words / Phrases | Origin | Meaning |
41 | emeritus | Latin | One retired from active service (professor) |
42 | en attendant | French | In the meanwhile |
43 | en bloc | French | Taken all together, in a body |
44 | en effet | French | In effect; reality |
45 | en masse | French | Several person; in body |
46 | en train | French | Under progress or process |
47 | esprit de corps | French | Spirit of comradeship |
48 | Exempli gratia | Latin | For example (e.g) |
49 | exempli gratia | Latin | As an act of grace; payment made in favour or free |
50 | ex gratia | Latin | By virtue of his office/post |
51 | ex parte | Latin | One-sided judgement |
52 | ex post facto | Latin | After a happening; retrospectively |
53 | ex tempore | Latin | Without preparation; especially a speech made without preparation |
54 | facsimile | Latin | A perfect copy |
55 | fait accompli | French | A thing done (without reference to interested parties); a work surely done |
56 | faux pas | French | A false step or social blunder |
57 | festina lente | Latin | Make haste slowly; careful |
58 | gratis | Latin | Free of charge |
59 | honoris causa | Latin | Honorary |
60 | ibidem (ibid) | Latin | In the same place; used for subsequent references (s) to the same place |
61 | idem | Latin | The same |
62 | in aeternum | Latin | Etemal or forever |
63 | in initio | Latin | In the beginning |
64 | in statu q3uo | Latin | In its original state |
65 | inter alia | Latin | Among other things |
66 | in toto | Latin | Completely or entirely |
67 | ipso facto | Latin | In fact; virtually; really |
68 | ipso jure | Latin | By the law |
69 | jure humano | Latin | By man’s law |
70 | lacuna | Latin | A gap; shortcoming |
71 | laissez-faire | French | Complete freedom |
72 | locus standi | Latin | A place for standing; the right to appear before a court or participate in a process |
73 | mandamus | Latin | A writ issued by a higher court to a subordinate court |
74 | materia medica | Latin | Material used for medicine; in current use pharmacology is included |
75 | matinee | French | An afternoon performance – usually cinema artists |
76 | me judice | Latin | In my opinion |
77 | Memorabilia | Latin | Things to be remember |
78 | modus operandi | Latin | A method of doing something/operating |
79 | note bene | Latin | Note below |
80 | obiter dictum | Latin | An opinion given by a judge in acourt but not a verdict |
81 | par excellence | French | Extra excellence; preeminent |
82 | par exemple | French | For example |
83 | pari passu | Latin | With equal pace; together |
84 | per annum | Latin | Per year; annually |
85 | per capita | Latin | Per person |
86 | per mensum | Latin | Per month |
87 | per diem | Latin | Per day; by the by |
88 | persona grata | Latin | A welcome guest |
89 | post meridiem | Latin | Afternoon (pm) |
90 | post mortem | Latin | An examination of dead body to find cause of death; after death |
91 | prima facie | Latin | At first sight; a case that calls for investigation |
92 | pro rata | Latin | In proportion |
93 | repondez, s’il vous plait | French | Reply, if you please (RSVP) |
94 | res judicata | French | In law; already decided |
95 | resume | French | A summary |
96 | sine die | Latin | Indefinitely; without a day |
97 | sobriquet | Latin | A nick name |
98 | status quo | Latin | As things were before |
99 | stet | Latin | Let it stand; an instruction to the printer or typist |
100 | sub judice | Latin | Pending under judicial consideration |
101 | tete-a-tete | French | A private or face to face conversation |
102 | tout a coup | French | Suddenly |
103 | ultimo | Latin | Last month |
104 | utra vires | Latin | Beyond the powers possessed, not valid |
105 | vade mecum | Latin | A constantly consulted aid; often a handbook |
106 | versus | Latin | Against |
107 | via media | Latin | A middle course; solution |
108 | vice versa | Latin | The order being reversed |
109 | vis-a-vis | French | Opposite; face to face |
110 | viva voca | Latin | Oral examination |
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- File Name: Important Foreign Words and Phrases with Meanings
- File Size: 2 MB
- No. of Pages: 07
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- Language: English
- Subject: English
Important MCQs on Foreign Words/ Phrases
1. What does the abbreviation 'A.D.' stands for? (A) Anno Domini
(B) Anti-dote
(C) After death
(D) Add data
2. What is the meaning of the word 'viva voce' ?
(A) Examination
(B) Face to face
(C) A spoken examination
(D) Interview
3. 'A la mode' means –
(A) according to the current fashion
(B) in the menu
(C) out of mood
(D) way of doing
4. Phrase 'amicus curiae' means —
(A) an amicuricus dream
(B) a senior advocate
(C) a friend of the court
(D) an arbitrator
5. B. C. stands for —
(A) Before Catastrophe
(B) Before Coronation
(C) Before Christ
(D) British Church
6. 'Prima facie' means:
(A) last supper
(B) premier value
(C) famous person
(D) at the first view
7. 'Modus Operandi' means –
(A) failed operation
(B) opera song
(C) suitable object
(D) method of operation
8. What is the meaning of the word 'vice versa'?
(A) For example
(B) Face to face
(C) Namely
(D) The terms being exchanged
9. Which word is related to Mens rea?
(A) Dishonest mind
(B) Guilty mind
(C) Mens Smartness
(D) None of these
10. 'ad hoc' is a ____ word.
(A) French
(B) German
(C) English
(D) Latin
11. What is the meaning of the phrase 'sine die'?
(A) for a certain period
(B) for a short time
(C) for an uncertain period
(D) none of the above
12. Mens Legis means –
(A) Mens rea
(B) Legal status of the men
(C) Purpose of the law
(D) Preamble of the law
13. N.B. (NOTA BENE) means
(A) Note well
(B) Take notice
(C) Look into
(D) a+b
14. What does 'CV' stand for?
(A) Curriculum vital
(B) Curriculum value
(C) Current value
(D) Curriculum vitae
15. Salarium is a Latin word that means –
(A) salt
(B) salary
(C) soldiers
(D) the salt road
16. The Latin expression 'i.e'
(A) id est
(B) ideal energy
(C) inner edition
(D) in Europe
17. What is the meaning of 'Bona fides'?
(A) Good faith
(B) Bonus
(C) False belief
(D) Genuine cultivator
18. The meaning of 'status quo' is –
(A) equal status
(B) state of affair that existed previously
(C) high status
(D) the former state
19. “Novel” means something new and derived from:
(A) French
(B) Arabic
(C) Latin
(D) Greek
20. What is the meaning of the word 'Viva voce'?
(A) Sleeping
(B) Reading
(C) Orally
(D) Runnings
21. The word 'Quorum' means –
(A) required number
(B) number
(C) allowed number
(D) additional number
22. Sin die means –
(A) immediately
(B) closed for the day
(C) on his death
(D) adjourned indefinitely
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